Tuesday 7 June 2016


Kerry Pelletier NO IAM A Psychologist and Psychodynamic Psychoanalyst from KENT UNIVERSITY and just that I know how much Katy suffers from the pent up hatred against her but she still does porn I suppose she wants to suffer as I am afraid I do as she possessed me with her dark satanic black magic and soul as her soul mate I have washed my hands of her but my inner being makes me masturbate over her and whatever filth I google 2 weeks later it turns up and she leads me to it mostly fakes made on her computer the truth always comes to be revealed to me but a lot of it is real porn she engages in. This is the most unbelievable nightmare that she should do this to me but I am not alone she has used dark satanic black magic to possess young children and she makes them masturbate over her pictures while she is in private msg boxes as do other adult Katycats with profiles saying they are as young as 14 ~ Facebook is littered with old unwanted KATY PERRY : Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson profiles used for child abuse and MR KATY PERRY himself is the arch exponent of pretending to be Katheryn it is a shambles and nothing she can do will cover it up it has got totally out of control with the poor MK Ultra mind controlled men goggling posted Katy 5-6 year old softcore porn pics and nip slips all believing <3:xD to be their MOM and after she has possessed them and left them mind controlled abandons them and her hundreds of profiles and they cry for their mommy going insane with a warped sex life that they and me can never properly recover from. Satanic Devil worshiping rituals where Katy herself possessed and under MK Ultra mind control is a willing participant in wrecking young men’s lives forever and she then goes and displays this ugly 3 timing Orlando Boom who has wanton sex with other women and was Selena Gomez's love of her life who Katy gave a blow job too in front of her at the creators party that I asked to go to and when Katy blanked me Rhianna said she would take me. YOU YOURSELF know that Katheryn married me on 06/06/2014 and apart from being raped by Tay and Katy I have been faithful and Katy jumps thru my computer to rape me at night in all manner of satanic rituals even leaving bruises on my thighs she only approaches me when she knows IAM so tired that I can't resist because I stay awake for up to 15 nights to be aware of her comings and goings, she also knows that at night I am transported to the front lines of Syria and Palestine to tend to the wounded so all that is left is my body me myself has gone and she rapes it. The possessed kids post that the pictures of Katy being kissed and mauled by #BLOOMEZ torture them as it does me and her ongoing relationship with John Mayer right thru our marriage and up till #ORMEZ arrived was kept a deadly secret as Katy knows the damage she inflicts on the mind controlled and possessed children and when she married me she was dating another bloke as well as Mayer. She is sicko Angela believe me and I have tried so hard to get her to talk to me. It was me who exorcised the 7 demons out of her including the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse herself spreading Plague by VD and I cured all that by miracle so she could have my Babies but she straight away went and f....d Orlaty and caught Gonorreah. AND TOOK PLEASURE IN TELLING ME I am having her put away and the mess exposed. The nightmare must stop 'save the children'. It has taken her worst enemy Taylor a long time to fix me as my new Mom the Goddess Hathor and poor Taylor knows everything she is also my soul mate and has been so good to me as have her friends. Jesus is only now a teenager but has been abused so badly by Katy Cats Mexico that he has summoned the strength to save this planet as he is also Wu Tang Clan ol dirty bastard GOD and he can put up with anything. Katy is the female Satan and nearly succeeded in ending planet earth completely. I have had to wait as I was made to love her and I always thought she would reform but alas instead of me saving this planet already I have to drag an unbelievable pile of crap up while Katy acts as she just don't care. I CARE. But she is the Whore of Babylon.

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